Why use that ___ fancy new framework to automate your end to end testing when you can just use NodeJS

Why use that ___ fancy new framework to automate your end to end testing when you can just use NodeJS

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The native testing engine of Node.js has finally reached the stage of stable functionality, and in this new version, it already comes with a fancy reporter in the terminal.

It still has a long way to go but if you could use just Node.js for most of your automation needs, Why use that ___ fancy new framework to automate your end-to-end testing?

Read more about it in this week’s Newsletter Issue:
πŸ‘‰ https://softwaretestingnotes.substack.com/p/issue-83-software-testing-notes

In the #83rd Issue of SoftwareTestingNotes Newsletter, we will explore,
β€’ A step-by-step guide to creating E2E tests in Node.js with no frameworks.
β€’ Habits and Mental skills to help you become a better tester.
β€’ Mobile App Testing with WebdriverIO and Appium
β€’ Getting started with Serverless testing and much more…

Great articles and resources by Ady Stokes, Nicole van der Hoeven, Erick Wendel, πŸ’» Daniele Frasca, Tiago Castro Barbosa, Wavda A., Zhimin Zhan, Vincent Ferreira, Elvira Riianova and more! πŸ‘

Thanks to all πŸ™ for sharing amazing content.

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And to put the πŸ’ Cherries on the top of this delicious 🍨, here is the curated library of 250+ hand-picked tools & resources to help you solve software testing problems and supercharge your testing.
πŸ‘‰ https://testdev.tools

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